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Fast at 67
Stryd told me to race 10k at 211 watts. I pushed up to 220 watts in the second half of the race and I finished with a great time of 42:53. Thanks Stryd! It made me forget I am 67 years old.
Trust the Process, Trust the Numbers
I ran the Eugene marathon today, and am very pleased with the results. It wasn’t a perfect race, but pretty close. PowerCenter recommended a power target of 257W with an estimated finishing time of 3:39:39 (+/- 5 minutes). In the end, I overran a few miles in the middle, struggled with the last 6 miles a bit, and finished with an average power of 253W and a time of 3:42:23 — still pretty freaking close to the targets. I restarted running almost exactly two years ago, my first run was 1.85 miles at 12:03 min/miles. My previous PR in the marathon was from 2011 and was 4:15:27 — to say that I’m happy with the improvement is a massive understatement. If you’re new to power: Trust the process, trust the numbers, they may not be exactly perfect, but they are always awfully close.
Confidence pour Avoir Confiance en Moi
J'aimerais partager mon histoire de succès. Après 12 semaines d'un plan d'entraînement HM à haut volume, j'ai essayé l'application PowerRace aujourd'hui et j'ai couru le demi-marathon. Je ne pouvais pas être plus heureux. Stryd a prédit que je finirais en 1:29:40, ce qui me semblait trop ambitieux. J'ai réussi à le finir en 1:29:55. J'ai amélioré mes RP de 8 minutes! Après 14 km de course, je pensais que je ne serais pas capable de tenir le rythme. Mais je l'ai fait et j'ai littéralement terminé la course avec le peu d'énergie qu'il me restait. Cela m'a vraiment donné la confiance nécessaire pour me faire confiance et faire confiance à mon Stryd. Et, je pourrais ajouter, pendant le plan d'entraînement basé sur la puissance, j'avais un volume hebdomadaire plus élevé que jamais auparavant, mais je ne me suis jamais senti surentraîné ou quelque chose du genre. Vraiment exact. Bravo pour ce produit.
Stryd is a Game Changer
Today was my first real race with Stryd. It was an 8 mile race. Target power 268, was able to push this up to 269 by the end of the race. I finished 2 seconds faster than predicted time. Stryd has been such a game changer for me. I always struggled with pacing and often would psych myself out in the second half of a race. Now, I am evenly & confidently pacing my races.
Precision Pacing
In every single consulting engagement we cannot stress enough the importance of data to support decision making. Guess what…running is the same and Stryd makes that possible using power as a key metric to follow. For my half marathon on Saturday, Stryd proposed to keep my power at 299 W and predicted a time of around 1:43 based both on temperature & humidity profile during training and expected for the race. Personally never thought I could keep that power level for so long but not only was Stryd right but the pace consistency I ended up achieving was unreal for an amateur runner like me... 👍
Stryd predicted my personal record
After my last race, a 10k on 1st May at 361W, my coach agreed it was 350W or bust for my last race of the spring, my local London Half Marathon. That was a challenge but mission accomplished. A 32s PB and a three watt improvement over my last half marathon.
41 minutes RP
Je viens de terminer le 88km Comrades Ultra en utilisant Stryd. Stryd était absolument essentiel pour me retenir dans la première moitié de la course afin que je puisse économiser de l'énergie pour la seconde moitié. Le résultat? 41 minutes plus rapides qu'en 2017. J'ai battu tous les PR sur tous les segments en deuxième mi-temps. Merci, Stryd.
I’m on my way to crushing that PR.
First in person race in 18 months! I am extremely impressed with the progress I’ve made while using Stryd for about 10 months now. The HM training plan has increased my speed tremendously and Stryd has been beyond helpful in helping me get used to running by feel. My HM PR is 1:56, so hopefully, after this 1:15 10-mile effort, I’m on my way to crushing that PR. So excited to share this with all of you and excited to see what the next few months brings!
Definitely accurate
Today was my first proper race event since getting my Stryd pod back in November. A local 10K to get my season off the ground. Stryd estimated my time for the course and conditions at 51:16 +/- 2 mins. My actual time was 52:38 so it was definitely accurate. I focused on my target watts alone. I didn't have my pace or heart rate on display. I was 3 watts off my target pace but still within the target time range so all good.
I was absolutely going for it.
First time racing with Stryd today. Thankful for getting to run a race finally! It was a trail race, very mixed surface and undulating at just over 4 miles. It's actually the Irish edition of the Backyard ultra today but they have a separate race of one loop beforehand. Projected power was 296 and it was hard to hit with the terrain but I was fairly close. The projected time was 30:33 and I came in just under that at 30:00. Long story short, the prediction was pretty much bang on. This is a great bit of kit for pacing.
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Your ultimate guide to training and racing with power. Here's a glimpse of what the Stryd Newsletter has to offer.
How to Get Your Training Back on Track in 2021?
Learn how you can stand on your next starting line at peak fitness in just 12 weeks with the help of Stryd’s advanced training ecosystem.
Run Stronger at Every Stage of Your Next Race
A key training optimization is to improve your muscle power. Muscle power is your ability to effortlessly climb a steep hill, maintain your running form deep into your long run, and sprint to the finish! Stryd training perfectly optimizes your endurance while improving your strength & speed.
Drop Your Finishing Times
Stryd training builds your fitness week after week so you reach your peak fitness just in time for the big day. See how this improved fitness translates to your race day finishing times.
Build Enduring Fatigue Resistance
Fatigue resistance is the most important skill you can possess when you are deep in a time trial or race. You need to have the muscle condition and mental toughness to overcome the fatigue that accumulates at a race pace.
Boost Your Endurance with Long Runs
Many runners fall victim to increasing both their duration and intensity simultaneously which often leads to burnout or even worse has them sidelined with injury. You need a training plan that gradually builds your stamina each week so you reach your longest run at the pinnacle of your training cycle.
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